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RE: Love Spells by Ashra by dbluei51



Anything that is 100% guarntee is a scam! It works the same as a prayer or a desire, the more you think positive about it and visualize it, and affirm it into existence, your thoughts and what you think about yourself is what you become, we need to guard or thoughts and stay away from negativity. It is a energy like spell casting but on a lower level. What a man thinks in his heart so is he! The universe decides if your spell will be granted! Not the spell caster! Do you know what Karma Is? there is not gaurentees in spell casting ever! The incubation period for a real spell is anywhere from 60-90 days for full completion! Being positive and thinking positive thoughts makes it come faster! Negativity slows and chokes it out just like in real life! Think about it people? Maybe your are the enemy and not the spell caster? Do you think that the universe is going to put a abusive person into someones life just for the sake of a spell? It is also the persons free will and maybe that is more powerful than the spell? All I hear on here is negative! Misery invites Misery! Frown

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